Evidence, data and monitoring

Retail and Leisure Study

The purpose of the Bradford District Retail and Leisure Study is to provide a robust evidence base for use within plan making and to inform development management decisions, including major regeneration schemes. The study will be prepared in full conformity with the National Planning Policy Framework and Town Centres and Retail Planning Practice Guidance.

The study aims to assist the Council and other stakeholders in delivering the local level policies as set out in the adopted Core Strategy, the Bradford City Centre Area Action Plan and the Shipley and Canal Road Corridor Area Action Plan.

The key objective of the Retail and Leisure Study is to undertake a vitality and viability assessment of Bradford District's retail centres (City, Town, District and Local Centres as well as all existing markets) and to assess the quantitative and qualitative need and capacity for additional retail floorspace and leisure uses across the District. It also reviews the existing retail and leisure policies and provides recommendations on emerging policies, strategies and proposals on relevant matters including definition of retail centre boundaries, shopping frontages, appropriate mix of uses, safeguarding land etc.

The Bradford District Retail and Leisure Study (2019) is the most up to date iteration. This will also assist in informing the partial review of the Core Strategy DPD and the development of the emerging site Allocations DPD which will allocate sites for development or protection.